Saturday, December 28, 2019

Bus and Train Fares Increase on Dec 28

This morning, took a bus and notice price have increase by 7 cents for adult fares.

Currently, credit cards offer some further discount for adults as part of the monthly spending. so why not make use of it to save some money.

Inflation is part  and parcel of life, so we have to be prepared every year that cost of living are likely to increase yearly.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Government Should Not Leave it to Market Force

When it comes to medical charges, doctors have the upper hand.  Letting hospitals to freely charge patients without control will only spike up prices for patients especially when they know you bought medical insurance.

When doctors are pressure by their hospitals to make profits, then patients end up paying more.  If a doctors tell you that you need to take this expensive cure or you will be dead soon, how many patients dare defy their opinions even though it can wipe out their savings.

Please don't make HEALTH CARE a free market economy.

Health and social policy Adjunct Associate Professor Phua Kai Hong at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in the National University of Singapore said the financing structure for healthcare has evolved over the years because of policy changes and the growth of third-party insurers.

He said there used to be a guideline on what doctors could charge, and they had to justify it when charging higher fees.
But the guideline was scrapped 12 years ago "in the interests of the free market economy".

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Spending Time With Friends or Pampering Yourself

Tomorrow is mother day and I wish all a happy mother day.

Many mothers work hard without taking time to unwind and that is not good.  A mother who knows how to relax and take care of themselves will end taking better care of the family.  Mother are human who deserve a break too, I mean regularly

This is a good reading for all mothers:

Cheers and happy mother day!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

NUS Peeping Tom - Zero Tolerance Should Be Implemented

As a university student, I believe they are already mature enough to know what is the right or wrong thing to do.   The current system of two strike you are out is like a game.  If I am a NUS student and I know that the Uni will be lenient to me for my first offence, why not make used of the opportunity.  NUS NTU should brief new Uni students about their zero-tolerance policy on this matter so that new comers will think twice about mis-behaving as there will be consequences.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Probiotics for Digestive Health

Indigestion and constipation seem to be following me as I age.  I read that probiotics may help and would like to consume it to see if it helps.  Hope it can relives my bloated stomach after every meal.  I went online and read some reviews and decided to purchase this Digestive Wellness product from Nano Singapore.  The product is made in USA but formulated in Singapore.